Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Oh, and...

What I'd give to get a jawline like that! (see post below) Let's see if anyone has any tips online!

Eta: The general consensus seems to be that it's up to genetics and body fat levels to determine one's jawline. And then of course there's cosmetic surgery involving jaw implants. The other school of thought is that doing facial exercises will tone and slightly alter the various features on your face, with allegations that it's common practice among actors. Not surprisingly, the only people claiming this are companies selling products.

In any case, I've got fairly fabulous cheekbones and jaw structure (the barf bags are over there, thank you) so the combination of lowered body fat and testosterone will hopefully render a satisfactory result. Then again, can't hurt to start chewing rubber bands. Will post pics soon after getting that first dose!

1 comment:

Lil Mizfit said...

dangerous cosmetic surgery...or next birth! *sigh*

wish we cud look exactly the way we picture ourselves inside our head.