Friday, June 16, 2006

Duke of my Dreams

The last couple of weeks have been cold and rainy, but as expected, it's turned warmer and sunny this last week. Experts predict a mild winter for us in Oz, which has brought back thoughts of zipping through the countryside on my bike, enjoying the splashes of red, orange and gold that line the country roads.

Now that I've left you with that image, I might introduce you to the Duke of my dreams. No no, I do not harbour secret feelings of love for a member of the male species, but rather feelings of lust for a little Monster:

Ducati Monster S4R Red/Black Stripe
Red with Black Stripe

The Ducati Monster S4R, in all its naked glory. Nothing in my mind will ever match the stylings of the monster, and I hope that Ducati never stops producing them. Try as you might, I'll never give up the compact, street-fighter feel of the Monsters for the laid-back ease of the low rider or the fairings of a CBR. Besides, it'd go so well with a nice Italian leather jacket. :)

While I'm at this, I might mention that the good man that he is, Ethan Niko's set up a trans-men's Motorcycle Club based in Australia (but all are welcome to join) on Yahoo! Groups called FTM Grease Monkeys. It's only just started and is still pretty small, but I hope it'll take off and maybe we'll organise a ride to kick off the summer!

Ducati Monster S4R Blue/White Stripe
Blue with White Stripe

Posted in motorcycle


Lil Mizfit said...

::drools:: i looooooooooooove love was Suzuki Hayabusa for so long but a rebellious Ducati wud serve me well too ;)

Nick said...

A Hayabusa girl! A good friend of mine (who used to race professionally) rides a sweet Hayabusa, and it's a beast!

Oh, what a tragedy that you're stuck with a Maruti at the moment, but I suppose with traffic conditions in Delhi riding a hayabusa would be the same as a death wish...