Monday, January 16, 2006

Body reaction and natural T therapy?

I thought I'd post this here since I've been thinking about this a little over the last few days. About 5 years ago, my periods started becoming a little irregular, with anywhere between 4 to 8 weeks between. Since my mother had had irregular periods when she was younger and had been put on "the pill" for it, it didn't really bother me. Besides, even though my periods were quite heavy, the "extra time off" was a pleasant side-effect for me.

After about a year of irregular periods, I had to get a blood test done for other reasons, so I told my doctor about my irregular periods, and she said that we might as well get a full bloodwork done. My hormone levels all came back within the normal range, but she did note that my testosterone levels are at the top end of the normal range for women. My periods went back to normal soon after this, so we both attributed this to stress (even though she did mention the possibility of Polycycstic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)).

Soon after, my periods again started becoming irregular, and I actually went through 9 months without my period at all. It was a very busy time for me, and although I'd been advised to go back for a checkup and ultrasound the last time, I never got around to it. I have notices several things though: firstly, my body hair has been growing in, and I now have a light covering of fine dark hair on my upper arms, chest and belly. Where I already had hair, it's become thicker, darker and longer. I shave my legs (from wearing shorts often) and underarms, and I've found that the hair grows in very quickly now and I have to shave twice as often as before. Furthermore, I was shocked this last winter when I'd gone for a few weeks without shaving my legs, and discovered that the hair growing on my lower calves are now thick, long and curly! Some men would be envious.

Secondly, I've notices that my skin is a lot oilier and I've been getting the odd pimple on my chest and face. Now, before you think I'm kooky, let me tell you - I've gone through my life having immaculate skin and hardly had more than 20 pimples total on my face and body all through my teenage years. In fact, I've had to be careful to moisturise my skin more than anything, and use shampoo for dry hair. Nowadays, I find my face and hair get oily a lot faster. A lot faster.

Anyway, my point is, is my body rejecting its feminine state naturally? Did I subconciously always know that I belonged in a man's body even if I hadn't actually pin-pointed this feeling cognitively, and my body is simply reacting to what my brain's always known? In other words, has my body already started T therapy without my knowing it?!

Having just had my period after another short "hiatus", as well as the fact that I've changed my life priorities recently, I will make an appointment immediately to get my bloodwork done again, as well as get that ultrasound done. Who knows, it may be something even more serious like cancer, and there's no reason to put off getting checked up any longer.

And I'll bet anything that my testosterone level is higher than the last time, and possibly a bit higher than the norm for women my age? Will post an update here.

This post was edited because I lost my head and ended it before I'd actually intended to.

Posted in personal, transition, physique

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